Do ovaries do anything after menopause?

The ovaries are small, almond-shaped organs located on both sides of the uterus. They produce the eggs and female hormones estrogen and progesterone. After menopause, around age 51 on average, women stop menstruating and producing eggs. The ovaries essentially retire from their egg-producing duties.
However, the ovaries do still serve several important functions after menopause:

So while the ovaries retire from the egg production line, they still contribute to a woman's physiology in several ways. Keeping the ovaries healthy long-term remains important.

Managing Postmenopausal Ovaries and Hormones

There are several ways women can support ovarian and hormonal health after menopause:

In most women, the ovaries continue functioning normally after menopause without needing intervention. But health issues can develop in some cases. Being proactive with checkups and lifestyle can ensure the ovaries keep doing their job!

The key is working with experts who understand the ovaries don't just shut off at menopause. At places like Hormone Harmony Clinic, they know ovaries and hormones play vital roles across a woman's lifespan. Their individualized care empowers women to achieve optimal wellness during the menopause transition and beyond.

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