Adrenal fatigue

What is adrenal fatigue?

Adrenal fatigue is a term used to describe a collection of non-specific symptoms such as body aches, fatigue, nervousness, sleep disturbances and digestive issues. It is thought to occur when the adrenal glands become overtaxed and unable to produce adequate levels of hormones like cortisol to meet the body's needs.

The adrenal glands are two small glands that sit on top of your kidneys and produce hormones that help regulate your body's stress response, metabolism, immune system, blood pressure and other essential functions. The theory behind adrenal fatigue is that when a person encounters excessive physical or emotional stress, the adrenals have to increase cortisol production. Over time, this can deplete the adrenals, eventually leading to decreased cortisol levels and impaired adrenal function.

Common Signs and Symptoms

While adrenal fatigue itself is not an recognized medical diagnosis, many integrative and functional medicine practitioners believe it's an important condition affecting many people dealing with chronic stress.

If you're experiencing persistent fatigue and other vague symptoms that negatively impact your quality of life, adrenal function testing is recommended to assess whether compromised adrenal function could be a factor.

Supporting Your Adrenal Health

If adrenal dysregulation is suspected or confirmed with lab testing, steps can be taken to support healthy adrenal function, including:

The practitioners at Hormone Harmony Clinic specialize in precision testing and treating adrenal fatigue through customized treatment plans utilizing the cutting-edge modalities mentioned above. We've helped hundreds of patients with conditions like adrenal dysfunction regain their energy, vitality and overall health.

Click () to take our free Adrenal Fatigue Questionnaire and find out whether our adrenal recovery program could help you thrive again!

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