Chronic illness

What is chronic illness?

A chronic illness is a condition that lasts 1 year or more and requires ongoing medical attention and/or limits activities of daily living. Some examples of common chronic illnesses are diabetes, arthritis, kidney disease, cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), heart disease and autoimmune disorders.

Individuals with chronic illness face health challenges on a daily basis. They often must adhere to treatment plans, which may include things like taking medications, attending medical appointments, receiving dialysis, or doing physical therapy. Many also contend with pain, fatigue, mobility issues, dietary restrictions, mental health impacts, and more.

Causes and Risk Factors

Chronic illnesses can be caused by genetic, lifestyle and environmental factors. Family medical history can increase risk. So can smoking, lack of exercise and obesity. Exposure to toxins or pathogens also heightens vulnerability.

Additionally, acute illnesses or injuries can sometimes transition into chronic health problems over time. For instance, a bad case of pneumonia could eventually lead to COPD in a susceptible individual.

Impacts and Statistics

Chronic diseases affect millions of Americans and are a leading driver of the nation’s annual healthcare costs. Nearly 50% of U.S. adults have at least one chronic health condition. Four chronic diseases—heart disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes—together cause over 50% of reported deaths each year.

Management and Support

While not curable, many chronic diseases can be managed through medications, therapy, diet/exercise and stress reduction techniques. Good self-care is crucial. Having a support network of understanding healthcare providers, family and friends also helps.

For hormonal issues related to chronic illness, Hormone Harmony Clinic offers customized bioidentical hormone therapy to help patients regain health, vitality and quality of life. Their dedicated providers understand the unique needs of the chronically ill and create tailored regimens to address fatigue, pain, sleep disruption, mental fog and other symptoms. Learn more at ]().

The daily challenges confronting those with chronic disease can be daunting. But new medical advances provide hope. With proper treatment and support, many illnesses once considered debilitating can now be managed for years while patients maintain productive, fulfilling lives. For the chronically ill, the future looks brighter than ever.

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