Decreased bone density

What is decreased bone density?

Decreased bone density, also known as osteopenia or osteoporosis, is a common condition characterized by porous and brittle bones. This happens when the body removes more bone tissue than it replaces over time.

Some key facts about decreased bone density:

What Causes Bone Loss?

There are a few key risk factors that contribute to decreased bone density:

Estrogen plays an important role helping balance bone metabolism. After menopause, lower estrogen levels lead to faster bone deterioration. Genetics and ethnicity also factor into peak bone mass achieved earlier in life.

Preventing and Treating Bone Loss

While bone loss accelerates with age, steps can be taken to help maintain stronger bones longer:

Osteoporosis screening is recommended for older women to detect decreased bone density early when treatment is most effective.

"The team at Hormone Harmony Clinic specializes in health optimization for maturing men and women so patients can enjoy their golden years pain-free. We offer personalized care including osteoporosis screening and nutrition guidance tailored to strengthen your bones as part of our comprehensive hormone and aging treatment programs. Contact us today to learn more and schedule a consultation!"

Maintaining strong bones requires diligent, proactive care - proper hormone levels, weight-bearing activity, nutrient-dense foods - to counteract bone loss from aging. With a holistic plan focused on bone health and overall wellness, you can thrive through the years ahead.

Take control of your bone health today!

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