Decreased muscle mass

What is decreased muscle mass?

Decreased muscle mass, known medically as sarcopenia, is a common condition characterized by loss of skeletal muscle tissue, muscle strength, and function. It can start as early as age 30 and progresses with aging.

Some key points about decreased muscle mass:

How can you prevent and treat loss of muscle mass?

Luckily there are steps you can take to prevent and treat age-related muscle loss:

Early intervention is key

The sooner you take action to improve muscle health, the better! Starting a resistance training regimen, improving diet, and optimizing hormones in your 30s, 40s and 50s can help stave off more rapid declines later in life. Don't wait until you've already lost muscle mass - take a proactive approach.

I hope these tips on what causes decreased muscle mass and how to counteract age-related muscle loss are helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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