Estrogen deficiency

What is estrogen deficiency?

Estrogen deficiency occurs when estrogen levels in the body are too low. Estrogen is an important sex hormone primarily responsible for regulating the reproductive and menstrual system in females, but it serves many vital functions throughout the body.

Some common signs and symptoms of low estrogen include:

Causes of Estrogen Deficiency

There are several potential causes of low or deficient estrogen levels:

Risks of Estrogen Deficiency

Persistent estrogen deficiency can increase risks for other conditions, including:

Take action now to address estrogen deficiency!

Treatment Options

If experiencing symptoms of estrogen deficiency, there are treatments available to help restore hormone levels and relieve unpleasant symptoms:

The team at Hormone Harmony Clinic specializes in personalized hormone assessments and comprehensive treatment plans for both men and women struggling with hormonal deficiencies or imbalances interfering with health and wellbeing. We provide cutting edge testing, plus bioidentical hormones, supplements, nutrition and lifestyle guidance tailored to your unique needs. Contact us today for a consultation!

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