
What is fatigue?

Fatigue or tiredness is one of the most common reasons people visit their doctor. We all feel worn out and exhausted at times, but prolonged fatigue can be distressing and negatively impact your quality of life.

Fatigue is a subjective feeling of lack of energy and inability to function at your normal level due to either physical, mental or both causes. It can range from mild to severe and may persist despite getting good quality sleep.

Causes of fatigue

Some common causes include:

Signs and symptoms

People with fatigue often experience:

If you constantly feel drained, have trouble functioning daily, and your exhaustion persists for over 6 months, it signals chronic fatigue. This requires prompt evaluation by a doctor.

Take charge of your energy levels now!

When to see a doctor

You must consult your doctor if fatigue:

Timely diagnosis and addressing the underlying cause is key to managing fatigue effectively. Lifestyle measures like good sleep hygiene, regular exercise, stress management also help. Hormone Harmony Clinic specializes in diagnosing and treating chronic fatigue using cutting-edge diagnostic tests and evidence-based hormonal therapies tailored to the individual.

I hope this overview on fatigue helps you understand what it means and how to take charge of your energy levels. Do leave any other questions you may have in the comments!

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