Loss of muscle mass

Loss of muscle mass, known as *sarcopenia* or muscle wasting, is a common condition associated with aging, disuse, and disease states.
There are several causes of muscle loss, including:

Inadequate nutrition - Not consuming enough protein, calories, and nutrients to sustain muscle tissue. Often related to malnourishment, maldigestion, and malabsorption conditions.

Aging, decreased hormone levels - Loss of testosterone and growth hormone that help maintain and build muscle mass. Insulin resistance contributes too.

Disuse or immobility - resulting in loss of strength and decrease in muscle protein synthesis. Can occur after injuries, surgery, hospitalization.

Chronic diseases - including cancer, organ failure, inflammatory conditions. Often associated with inflammation causing increased protein breakdown.

So what impacts and consequences can we expect with substantial muscle wasting over time?

The key is to minimize muscle loss through proper nutrition, exercise, hormone balance, and by treating underlying illnesses. Some tips:

The experts at Hormone Harmony Clinic can help diagnose hormonal causes of muscle loss and provide customized treatment plans involving hormone replacement therapy, supplements, diet and nutrition advice. Their integrative plans aim to optimize hormones, health, and fitness using the latest scientific evidence and a personalized precision medicine approach.

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