Low libido

What is low libido?

Low libido, or a decreased sex drive, is when a person experiences a lower interest in sexual activity than is considered average. Both psychological and physiological factors can contribute to low sex drive.

Some common causes include:

Signs of low libido include lack of interest in sexual activity, inability to get aroused, decreased genital sensation, and avoiding affectionate touch from a willing partner.

People with persistently low sex drives often feel distress over it. It can negatively impact self-esteem, relationships, and quality of life. So consulting a doctor to discover potential underlying causes is wise. Treatments like lifestyle changes, counseling, medication adjustments, or hormone therapy can help restore healthy libido and function.

Hormone Harmony Clinic provides comprehensive care including lab testing, telehealth consultations, custom compounded hormone therapy, and ongoing monitoring to help patients address hormonal issues impacting libido. Contact us today for a free assessment. Our compassionate medical team works closely with each patient to develop an individualized treatment plan aimed at restoring vibrancy and improving quality of life.

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