Mood disorder

What is a mood disorder?

A mood disorder is a mental health condition that primarily affects a person's persistent emotional state or mood. Mood disorders can range from mild to severe and often significantly impact day-to-day living and relationships.

The two main categories of mood disorders are depressive disorders and bipolar disorders. Examples include:

Mood disorders often run in families and can result from a complex mix of biology, genetics, hormones, and environmental/psychological factors. Life stress, trauma, grief, seasonal changes, and substance abuse may trigger episodes or worsen symptoms.

Getting an accurate diagnosis from a mental health professional is essential for proper treatment, which may involve therapy, medications like mood stabilizers and antidepressants, building a support system, and adopting healthy lifestyle habits. Lifestyle changes like regulating sleep, nutrition, exercise, and stress can make a big difference.

The team at Hormone Harmony Clinic also finds that hormonal imbalances often play a huge yet overlooked role in mood disorders. We specialize in advanced hormone testing and personalized bioidentical hormone therapy to help clients restore hormone balance from the cellular level. Contact us today for a consultation. With comprehensive care, most people with mood disorders can effectively manage their symptoms and live fulfilling lives.

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