Muscle loss

What is muscle loss?

Muscle loss, known as muscle atrophy or sarcopenia, occurs when muscles waste away from age or lack of physical activity. It leads to reduced muscle mass and muscle strength, impacting daily function and quality of life.

As we age, muscle fibers shrink and die off. Without strength training to stimulate growth, we lose roughly 3-5% of muscle mass per decade after age 30. This accelerates after age 60. Muscle proteins break down faster than they can rebuild, causing loss of muscle tissue.

Causes of muscle loss include:

Symptoms arise slowly and may include:

To slow muscle loss, engage in resistance training 2-3x a week along with getting enough protein (0.5-0.7g per lb bodyweight daily). Compound exercises like squats, deadlifts and bench presses that work large muscle groups are best.

At Hormone Harmony Clinic(), our anti-aging doctors specialize in hormone optimization therapy to help you keep your edge. Growth hormone and testosterone replacement therapy can help boost muscle mass, energy and vitality so you stay active and independent as you age.

Our personalized programs also incorporate nutrition planning and body composition testing to help you meet fitness goals. Schedule a consult to learn more about our muscle retention solutions. With the right treatment plan, you can get back to enjoying the activities you love.

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