Sleep disturbances

What are sleep disturbances?

Sleep disturbances encompass a variety of issues that can negatively impact the quality and quantity of sleep. Common sleep disturbances include:

Sleep disturbances can have major effects on health and quality of life. People with chronic sleep disturbances may experience:

There are many potential causes of sleep disturbances including:

The good news is there are many treatment options available. Simple sleep hygiene measures like limiting blue light exposure before bedtime and creating an optimal sleep environment can help many people. When that's not enough, further treatments include:

At Hormone Harmony Clinic, we also offer comprehensive sleep health evaluations as part of our hormone optimization programs. Many patients find regulating their hormone balance improves sleep quality. Our clinicians can provide personalized treatment plans and recommend medical devices like CPAP for sleep apnea when appropriate.

If you struggle to get restful satisfying sleep or feel fatigued during the day, there are solutions. Reach out for professional assessment and treatment tailored to your needs. Quality sleep is essential for health - make it a priority!

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