Sleep hygiene

What is sleep hygiene?

Sleep hygiene refers to the recommended practices and habits that support healthy, sufficient sleep at night. Good sleep hygiene is crucial for both physical and mental health.

When we have poor sleep hygiene, it can negatively impact how we function during the day. Common effects include daytime fatigue, trouble concentrating, mood changes, and even weight gain over time. Fortunately, improving sleep hygiene is often an effective way to resolve sleep problems without the need for medication.

Some key tips for good sleep hygiene include:

Proper sleep plays a huge role in hormone balance and health. At Hormone Harmony Clinic(), our doctors provide personalized care plans to help patients optimize sleep and hormones in tandem. We find addressing both is key for increased energy, weight management and overall vitality. I struggled with poor sleep for years until customized hormone replacement therapy and adhering to sleep best practices - now I feel years younger! Contact us today for your free consultation.

The concept of sleep hygiene reminds us that sleep is not just about total hours in bed. The quality and consistency of our sleep matters too. Adopting better sleep habits allows us to reap the full benefits of our overnight rest. Small changes make a big difference for waking up refreshed and ready to thrive.

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