How much free testosterone is too low?

Free testosterone refers to the amount of testosterone in the body that is available to the cells and tissues. Testosterone that is bound to sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) is not free and bioavailable. As men age, both total and free testosterone levels tend to decline. But at what point is free testosterone considered too low?
Normal ranges

There is no universal consensus on specific cut-off levels that define low free testosterone. However, experts generally agree on the following normal reference ranges as a starting point when evaluating testosterone levels in men:

*Bioavailable testosterone: 110-575 ng/dL

The Endocrine Society defines low testosterone or hypogonadism in men as:


Low free testosterone, even within the normal range, can cause various symptoms including:

The presence of multiple hypogonadal symptoms together with a low free testosterone level confirms androgen deficiency that may require testosterone replacement therapy.

Health risks

Over time, critically low testosterone can lead to various adverse health outcomes:

Restoring testosterone levels to a sufficient range can help mitigate these risks.

Evaluation and treatment

If your free testosterone levels are persistently low and you have clinical symptoms of low testosterone, make an appointment with a hormone specialist, endocrinologist or urologist for further evaluation.

Treatment usually involves testosterone replacement therapy to restore levels. Options include:

The goal is to increase your testosterone into a sufficient range until symptoms resolve. Therapy is customized and monitored to avoid adverse side effects.

At Hormone Harmony Clinic, we specialize in precision testosterone therapy to help men optimize strength, vitality and health. Contact us today for a consultation.

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