Why is it called menopause and not Menostop?

Menopause is the term used to describe the natural changes that occur in a woman's body as her ovaries stop producing the reproductive hormones estrogen and progesterone. The word "menopause" comes from the Greek words "menos" meaning month and "pausis" meaning cessation, referring to the permanent cessation of a woman's monthly menstrual periods.
Some key points about why it's called menopause:

The duration of menopause transitional stages can vary widely among women. But the endpoint is that menstruation ceases permanently:

Hormonal changes underlie menopausal biology:

Other major changes occur:

Calling this transition "menostop" would ignore its most defining feature - that this is when periods permanently stop due to ovarian shutdown.

Consider hormone replacement at Hormone Harmony Clinic

If you're struggling with uncomfortable menopause symptoms, consider hormone replacement therapy customized to your needs. Hormone Harmony Clinic() provides personalized care including:

Schedule a consultation today to learn about hormone therapy options tailored for you. Take control of your menopause journey with the help of our compassionate practitioners.

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